Comment on Eliwood's Blog

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11:21pm 11-16-2020
Hey! I like the aesthetic that your website has. Very reminiscent of the Geocities era, and it has a load of neat content as well. I dig it.
I read your most recent blog entry (11/14/2020 as of writing this) and I understand that it can be very hard to create content without any real feedback. It's kind of like shouting into the void at times. But there are people who look at your stuff, I'm sure. I guess I am one such example, haha!
Of course, studies can get in the way. College/Uni gets especially difficult. But I'm letting you know that it's OK to take a break, and to take your time. I'm sure your followers will be waiting with open arms when you are ready to push out content at a pace which best suits your circumstances.
Best wishes with your studies and your website!